CS 373 Fall 2021 Blog 6

Varad Thorat
2 min readOct 4, 2021


What did you do this past week?

I worked on Project #2 for this class with my group. I studied for and took a midterm for one of my courses. I prepared for an interview that I have this next week. I also had an assignment due for my Neural Networks course.

What’s in your way?

I had a lot of assignments, a midterm, and a interview due all at once, so it was tough trying to balance all my work out. I really had to focus and work hard in order to get everything done.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I have an interview for one of the companies I applied for. I will also get started on the next phase for this class with my group. I will do any remaining tasks for the first phase for Project #2 before the deadline. Other than those, I do not have too many assignments due, so I will be relaxing.

If you read it, what did you think of the Paper #6: Single Responsibility Principle?
I did read this paper, and it was quite similar to a paper I read last semester in Object-Oriented Programming. I definitely agree with many of the points that the paper brought up. It really highlighted some of the issues that projects with classes with multiple responsibilities have. One of the biggest one is the difficulty of trying to change code in one of the classes. It is difficult to make the code changes while being wary of the effects of it on the other responsibility.

What was your experience of factorial, reduce, and operators? (this question will vary, week to week)

I was not really informed on some of these concepts in python, so I am glad that Professor Downing covered this material. I think there are a lot of applications for operators, and I will try to incorporate them in my later projects.

What made you happy this week?
Some of the companies that I applied for reached back to me. I was pretty happy since this recruiting season was not the best for me. A lot of the companies have not communicated with me about the interview process, so I was glad that I had a couple reach back.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick of the week is the Git Graph extension on VS code. Keeping track all the various git branches that exist in a large scale project can be a major hassle. The Git Graph extension displays a line graph that shows all the different branches and how many commits has been added. It also shows where each branch has diverged from.



Varad Thorat
Varad Thorat

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